Setup and Optimization for Smart Platforms

aye4fin supports customers in setting up and optimizing online platforms. Furthermore, we advise and assist in the selection of suitable service providers, as well as in the application for business model-specific licenses with the desired regulatory authorities. 

Smart Platforms
Light bulb
Light bulb

Our Core Competence

Bringing consumers and sellers together on platforms creates a new source of value, but also additional complexity in setup and operational models. Efficient workflows regulated payment systems and scalable solution designs are just a few issues that need to be considered for sustainable success. With a dedicated team of proven experts, aye4fin’s team supports clients from setup to implementation to regulatory issues. 



Whether it’s system design, onboarding, or finding the right service provider – we support you in all aspects of building your platform. 



Our benchmarking allows you to compare your platform with the best global platforms. Afterward, we will of course help you with optimization so that your platform can keep up with the top performers. 



We support you in questions around financial regulation, as well as in applying for business model-specific licenses at the desired regulatory authorities.